Thank you for those attending the 19th Annual Fairways Fore Foster Kids Golf Tournament at the Manteca Park Golf Course. We had 23 foursomes join us for an awesome day of golf. The weather was perfect, everyone had fun. Thank you to Lisa Penn for the Bloody Mary Bar. The food was really great, thanks Mark and Patty Anglin & crew for the delicious – (come back for more) BBQ hot dogs on the course and the delicious box lunches from Chez Shari.
Jerrold Kennedy, Rudy Marquez, Tristan Jaramillo and Mark Ackerman won First Prize -Gross and Second went to Steve Keifer, Nick Mueller, Frank Souza and Brian Smith. Congratulations to both teams and see you next year!
And thank you to the Manteca Advisory Council – they are the best crew ever!
Thank You Sponsors